Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Clean Chocolate Chip Cookies!

Don't Deprive Yourself, Eat in Moderation!

            According to an article on healthmeup.com a psychologist claims, “the key… is to eat everything you like but to eat in moderation”. The psychologist continues to say “when you try to keep away from something you like, a tension builds inside and this makes people go for an impulsive uncontrollable binge." A dietician in the same article says, “everyone deserves a treat once in a while, so save the fried foods, sweets and desserts for special occasions!” Click here to read the article.

           This cookie recipe is a healthy take on a favorite comfort food. You don’t have to feel guilty splurging on this low calorie and nutritious dessert!

Clean Chocolate Chip Cookies!

2 cups Old Fashioned oats
1 medium sized banana
¼ cup honey
¼ cup unsweetened apple sauce
½ cup dark chocolate chips 
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
½  tsp cinnamon, ground
¼ tsp nutmeg, ground
2 tsp baking  powder

Note: I used the Ghirardelli 60% Cacao Bittersweet Chocolate Baking Chips in my cookies. Click here to read about the health benefits of dark chocolate!

Step #1: Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Then, line a cookie sheet with parchment paper and set aside.
Step #2: Grind Old Fashioned oats into flour like consistency using food processor.
Step #3: Mash banana using food processor.
Step #4: Whip together banana, honey, apple sauce, vanilla, cinnamon and nutmeg until one consistency. Then add ground oats and baking powder to form cookie dough. 
Step #5: Next add the dark chocolate chips to the dough mixture and then place spoonfuls of dough onto lined cookie sheet. Dough should make about 18 cookies!
Step #6: Place cookie sheet in oven for about 10 minutes. Cookies should be slightly browned before removing. Cookies will not become crispy, but instead will be warm and gooey! 
Step #7: Finally eat the cookies! I suggest pairing the cookies with some frozen yogurt for a healthier alternative to ice cream. My favorite brand is Stonyfield, you can find it in pints at the local grocery store!

Nutrition Facts:
Click here to get started on making your own Nutrition Facts labels for homemade recipes. This is a great way to stay aware of what type of nutrients you are consuming everyday!

Eat everything you love in moderation and thanks for reading Hatching Healthy Habits!

-Claire Trotter (aka ALHWC Summer Intern)

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